Tight suites & bright skies

I am honestly delighted by my new environment. Never before have I seen so much genuine hospitality and politeness. It makes so many things a lot easier. Just imagine your new home being 10.000km away from your home country in a place where you can’t even read the food labels or bus stop signs. It’s a tough challenge, but I didn’t expect it else.
On top of everything, me and my fellow, Moritz, don’t have the time to learn Japanese. What we learnt back in Germany is either completely forgotten or unrecallable. Also each single Kanji is like an insolvable enigma for us. Good to know there are only a couple of thousands we
should have to learn. Talk about self-motivation…
Despite all major obstacles I feel rejuvenated in my new transient home.
It feels like the energy source I’ve been searching for the whole last year. Suddenly I have no problem to get out off the bed in the morning. I want to take the day as it comes. I have no real worries, only excitement. This is how life should feel like, shouldn’t it?
Sometimes I just feel a little homesick. What bothers me most is the time difference which makes contact to Germany very difficult. But I can handle it.
As for the next weeks I surely won’t have the time to think about my home anyway. I will start my work with motion capture at the universities state-of-the art motion analysis room. A truly fantastic place to work at! The only uncomfortable thing in it is the suite for the mocap actor. You feel like a strange mixture between a ballerina and a drag queen.
Well, you can’t have everything…