Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Sushi and Sudoku

Sushi and Sudoku



Hi i´m Moritz fom germany.
I´m doing my practical semester as an intern at Eyes, Japan Co. in Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan. We, Julian and me arrived one week ago and it tooks 22 hours to come here from Düsseldorf, our hometown and city of our studyings. I´m at the university of applied sciences in Düsseldorf and my subject is Media Technologie and Engeneering. At the moment it looks like i will finish my exams next year and get my diploma. Anyway i will stay in Japan the next six month and i have a clue hat it will be an nice time with courteous and really friendly people from our company. We have the chance to do some recordings in the motion capture studio at the university of aizu, it was one point of motivation to come here. I enjoy to be here in Japan, in this completely new and diversified country and there is much to see and get to know. Two thinks we are know very good in germany are sushi and sudoku, two very popular exported parts of japanese culture and living.

Thanks for invite me to come here and for this funny and relished first week in Aizu-Wakamatsu.
Best regards and further join this blog,

Moritz Braun

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