Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Eyes, JAPAN Employee Interview [Vol. 31]

Eyes, JAPAN Employee Interview [Vol. 31]


The special series to put a spotlight on our international staff, “Eyes, JAPAN employee interview” is back! Our 7th interviewee this year is Veronica from Belarus.

She has been working in Eyes, JAPAN for around 5 years in total, but she started working full-time since April 2024. We wanted to ask Veronica about her life in Japan, why she came to Japan and what does she think about working in Eyes, JAPAN.

(Interviewer: Angie)

Has a Background in Aviation!

What is your favorite thing about your home country?

Veronica: My favorite thing about my home country, Belarus, is the people, the cherished memories, and the beautiful summer weather. My family and relatives are still there, so I try to visit them as often as possible. Returning to Belarus is always nostalgic, filled with fond memories from my past. I especially love the summer weather; it’s warm but not too hot, and neither rainy nor humid. Belarus has lots of lakes and rivers, making it perfect for spending time by the water.

Why did you come to Japan?

Veronica: After graduating from the Academy of Aviation in Belarus, I received a MEXT scholarship from the Japanese government to study Computer Science. I could choose any university in Japan, and I chose the University of Aizu, which is dedicated to computer science and engineering. Initially, I came as a research student to prepare for the Master’s program since I switched my major. I then continued to the Master’s program, and in March 2024, I received my PhD from the University of Aizu.

Why do you like about Japan?

Veronica: I like many things about Japan. I love the safety, and the people are very helpful and respectful. When I first arrived in Japan, I was surprised to learn that many people had never been outside the country, even though many can afford it and don’t need visas. After living in Japan for seven years, I think I understand why. In my opinion, Japan has almost everything: spectacular nature, mountains for hiking, waterfalls, amazing ski and snowboarding resorts, the sea and ocean for beautiful beach vacations, surfing, diving, snorkeling, as well as caves, sand dunes, and hot springs. You’ll be amazed at how many things Japan can offer! Additionally, Japan has some of the best services, which can be hard to find outside of the country.

What do you think about life in Aizu?

Veronica: I love living in Aizu. It matches many things that I enjoy: a calm lifestyle and beautiful nature. During winter, I enjoy snowboarding and skiing in the Aizu area, and I usually get a season pass to the ski resort for the whole winter. In summer I like to go for a hike or spend time near the Inawashiro lake.

What is your hobby and how do you usually spend your free time?

Veronica: I have several hobbies. I enjoy sports and outdoor activities, and the Aizu area is perfect for skiing, snowboarding, and hiking. I also love traveling, cooking healthy meals, and practicing yoga. On rainy days, I like playing board games with friends and have quite a collection of them. I also enjoy reading or listening to audiobooks.

What is your academic background and what kind of research are you doing or have you done before?

Veronica: During my PhD studies, I joined a research team focused on computer-assisted language learning, particularly prosody teaching using signal processing. The goal was to automate pronunciation teaching of any language by employing machine learning.

Loves The Multicultural Environment at Eyes, JAPAN.

Why did you decide to join Eyes, JAPAN?

Veronica: I joined Eyes, JAPAN because I heard about the company from a friend, who mentioned the diverse international community working there. I was eager to gain experience and understand the culture of working in the IT industry in Japan. Additionally, I was drawn to the multicultural environment at Eyes, JAPAN, which aligns with my interest in working within a diverse and dynamic team.

Could you let us know about the most memorable project you have worked on in Eyes, JAPAN?

Veronica: There are many interesting projects at Eyes, JAPAN, but one of the most memorable ones for me has been the Foodplating AI project. I trained a neural network to evaluate the aesthetics of food plating. This involved collecting and pre-processing data, setting up a labeling tool for chefs, and experimenting with different architectures to achieve the best results.

Veronica: Another project I am currently working on, which I find particularly rewarding, is improved Automatic Speech Recognition system for communication between air traffic controllers and pilots. This project is especially meaningful to me as it combines all my knowledge and experience in artificial intelligence, speech processing, and aviation.

Which customs in Eyes, JAPAN do you like the most?

Veronica: At EJ, I appreciate several customs. Firstly, I love the freedom to work on projects that interest me. Our weekly presentations are another highlight, as they provide opportunities to learn something new or see something interesting every week. I also enjoy the various parties we have, such as the summer barbecues, apple picking in autumn, and the welcome/farewell parties at the office. Additionally, the diverse team at EJ has allowed me to learn more about different cultures and countries, which I find incredibly interesting.

What do you think about your colleagues and working environment in Eyes, JAPAN?

Veronica: I know most of my colleagues from the university, and they are all nice, friendly and supportive. The working environment is cozy, and it’s nice to work with open-minded people.

What do you think about working at the company and working at home?

Veronica: I believe that having the flexibility to work both from the office and from home is beneficial. It allows people to continue their work freely and at their convenience. Some tasks are better done in person, while others require deep, concentrated work that is easier to achieve at home. Personally, a balanced combination of both working from the office and home is ideal for me.

Biggest Motivation: Curiosity.

What motivates you to keep working and studying?

Veronica: Curiosity is one of my biggest motivations. The opportunity to work on innovative projects and collaborate with talented individuals further fuels my enthusiasm to keep pushing forward. However, when I feel close to giving up on something, I remind myself of how much I’ve accomplished so far and why I started working on it in the first place.

Any advice for people who wants to work in Japan?

Veronica: Be open-minded, because you may encounter things that work differently from how they do at home. If possible, learn the language to make your experience even more enriching. Also, be prepared to be amazed by how helpful and nice Japanese people are.

What kind of projects do you want to work on in the future?

Veronica: My interest lies in pursuing applied cross-disciplinary research that leverages my background and experience to bridge the fields of artificial intelligence, educational technologies, speech processing, and aviation. My ambition is to explore and develop solutions that harness the potential to transform these fields.

Lastly, what is your dream?

Veronica: My dream is to live a fulfilling, happy, and balanced life. Personally, I want to enjoy simple things in life, spend quality time with my family and friends, and create lasting memories. Professionally, I would like to make a contribution in the field I am working in, and additionally, I hope to make a positive difference in the community I live in, using my skills and knowledge.

Thank you!

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