Eyes, JAPAN Blog > ローズハルマンからの留学生ピーターにインタビュー


Misato Usui


Eyes, JAPANに6月から新しいメンバーが入社しました。ローズハルマン工科大学から会津大学に交換留学生として来ているピーターさんです。



-Could you introduce a little bit of yourself?


I am a student from Rose-Hulman, and I have spent the past year studying at the University of Aizu. I am originally from Chicago in the United States. Since I have been in Japan I have come to love Japanese food, but sometimes I miss Chicago-style pizza. I like doing things outdoors, and in the winter I enjoy skiing. I have enjoyed traveling around Japan, and I have enjoyed traveling to Hokkaido the most. I like playing video games and reading books in my free time. Recently I have been playing Overwatch and have read Caves of Steel By Isaac Asimov and enjoyed it a lot.

-What inspired you to study in Japan?


I was inspired to study in Japan for several reasons. I had never visited Japan before, but when I was at my school in America I met some friendly students from the University of Aizu. I did not know very much about Japan, but because of the friendly students I knew that I would have a good time.

-What do you want to learn in Japan?


The University of Aizu offers classes that are not taught at my American university, so one thing that I wanted to learn in Japan was more advanced topics in Computer Science. There are also many cultural differences between the United States and Japan, so I was interested in learning about Japan’s culture so that I could better understand my own. Since I have been in Japan I have also taken a class on how to prepare sushi.



-Eyes, JAPANをどうやって見つけましたか?
-How did you find out Eyes, JAPAN?

会津大学ではコーエン先生のゼミに参加しています。コーエン先生がEyes, JAPANのリンゴ狩りに私を連れて行ってくれました。そこでEyes, JAPANの人たちと知り合ったのですが、数ヶ月後に私はもう一度彼らと連絡を取れるようコーエン先生に頼みました。

At the University of Aizu I joined the laboratory of Dr. Cohen. Dr. Cohen brought me to one of the Eyes, Japan events, an apple picking trip. I met some of the company there, and a few months later I asked Dr. Cohen to help me get in touch with them again.

-Eyes, JAPANでは今どんな仕事をしていますか?
-What kind of work do you do in Eyes, JAPAN now?

Eyes, JAPANではマシンラーニングを使ったプロジェクトに参加しています。これまでのところでは、Microsoft Azure Machine Learningを使用したプロトタイプや、テキストマイニングのトレーニングデータを作成しています。

At Eyes, Japan I have joined one team working on a machine learning project. In the time I’ve been with the company so far I created one prototype using Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, and I have worked on creating training data for a text mining algorithm.

-What is your dream?


My dream is to see human life improved by the proliferation of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Today it seems like we are on the edge of some significant changes to the way we live. Self-driving cars may change the way people live, skilled chatbots may change the way we communicate, and SpaceX’s rockets could make space travel much more practical. All of these things have been made possible by advanced machine learning. I dream of these and future technologies, and am very excited to see the way humanity can change in the future.


仕事に積極的に取り組みいつも真摯なピーターさんですが、とても大きな夢を抱いていましたね!Eyes, JAPANも彼の夢を大いに応援しています。

Eyes, JAPANは創業以来、インターンとして海外の留学生の受け入れを積極的に行っています。お問い合わせはこちらから。

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