Health 2.0 summit at 49th floor

The interesting part was when I realized that people think and feel sometimes the same way about computer science. To me not only using computer systems but especially manipulating and creating new ones according to specific needs is very natural – it’s what I learned, it’s what I like to do. It’s surely the same for anybody else working in computer science. But I guess for most people computer science might be only a tool that helps to solve some problems of humankind, being happy if there is somebody else who can harness it. And that’s surely something that medicine and computer science have in common one to another.
Last week I had the great pleasure to attend the second meeting of the Health 2.0 Tokyo Chapter. I think times are very thrilling these days, where worldwide people think about how we can combine the benefits of medicine and computer science to make health care more efficient. And to bring together experts from both fields to exchange ideas and achievements is the first big step to reach this goal.