GT4U2Cand a real fine Banquet

Mine-san and Hittori-san presented their project. I felt sorry for them
that TV was not interested. I hope Yamadera-san will call TV and
complain about this. I think both did very good job. I enjoyed being
part of this.
There were also two guys from Sweden and the Surstro”mming party got
into my mind. Luckily we had a great banquet with nice fish, nice drinks
some pretty nice and amazing cake. Very beautiful.
But my personal highlight this week: I got my cell-phone. Thank you very
much for Shimizu-san who told me how to change my eMail adress… Maybe
it is not a good idea to put my phone no into this blog. So I will
e-mail you my no.
So have a nice weekend and please enjoy skiing tomorrow. Maybe the last
chance for this season.
Take care and have fun