Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Install Apache for EtherPad-lite

Install Apache for EtherPad-lite



EtherPad is a kind of popular realtime discuss tool based on the web. It can be easily installed by following the manual in its github page, as:

As root user:

  1. Install the dependencies. Install gzip, git, curl, libssl develop libraries, python and gcc.
    >>yum install gzip git-core curl python openssl-devel && yum groupinstall “Development Tools”
  2. Install node.js
  • Download the latest 0.6.x node.js release from http://nodejs.org/#download
  • Extract it with
    >>tar xf node-v0.6*
  • Move into the node folder
    >> cd node-v0.6* and build node with ./configure && make && make install

As any user (It is recommend to create a separate user called etherpad-lite):

  1. Move to a folder where you want to install Etherpad Lite. Clone the git repository
    >>git clone ‘git://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite.git’
  2. Change into the directory containing the Etherpad Lite source code clone with
    >>cd etherpad-lite
  3. Install the dependencies with
  4. Start it with

In the virtual box, I forward the 19001 port of host to 9001 port of node.js server.

However, to use ssl for the etherpad-lite, we need put the etherpad behind Apache server

To setup the Apache in the Centos, just easily follow the step in this article.

To setup ssl for the Apache, it need to setup the virtual host, some references

One response to “Install Apache for EtherPad-lite”

  1. great tips, thank you