Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Sencha 煎茶?

Sencha 煎茶?



Sencha is a kind of Japanese tea, rich smell, delicious taste. It is stronger than other kinds of tea. It can be a good start of working in the morning.

But here I am not talking about tea. “Sencha” is the name of a Javascript Framework. Recently, there are several popular java script framework, such as JQuery, Dojo, YUI, Mootools, prototype, ExtJS, Raphaël, etc.

So why we need Sencha? To answer this question, it is better to have brief introductions to these frameworks.

1. JQuery is one of the most popular js framework, because of its lightness and easily use. It is said that it needs half number of code lines than normal framework. Using the elements of the DOM object, and handling the event are simple as “query”. And there are so many js libraries were developed based on JQuery. It is first choice for most of the developers.

2. YUI(Yahoo! User Interface Library) is a group of Web UI library, which using the DOM scripting, DHTML and Ajax technology.

3. Prototype is object oriented and easily used js framework. It is used by the developers, who have the experiments about object oriented.

4. ExtJS is js framework which can cross several browers, which is extension of YUI by includes interoperability with JQuery and Prototype.

5. Raphaël is a small Javascript library, especially for creating SVG/VML graphics, making the creation of SVG/VML as simple as possible.

YUI is for web 2.0 front end development; Prototype is easily management, since it is object oriented; JQuery is easily  development, since its rich library resources.

Right now the mobile internet is becoming popular together with the increasing number of smartphone, and mobile devices. Web interface development is the less way to provide cross-browser service. Even there is a javascript frame, called JQTouch. But it is still weak to provide richer experiment for users.

In 2010.6.15, ExtJS, jQTouch and Raphaël were combined together to form the new product Sencha. It is becoming a edge tool for mobile web interface.

The framework provides several  products.
Ext GWT is the extension of  Google Web Toolkit (GWT). It is a library for web developement.

ExtJS 4 is the latest version of ExtJS library.

Ext Designer is a desktop application that helps you create interfaces faster than ever in an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop environment.

Sencha Touch allows you to develop mobile web apps that look and feel native on iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry touch devices. Which is the most attractive library for mobile web interface. It may becoming edge tool for mobile interface development.

As a new product, we can continue to pay close attention to it.

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