Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Recent thoughts

Recent thoughts



Yesterday, Aug 1st, I began my internship in Eyes Japan. I joint in the Emotion.al project and started to get some basic idea and knowledge about the project. Recently, I was also busy working on my thesis.
I mentioned both of them just because I found them a common point: from the time you get a good idea, until you find an appropriate way to solve or realize it, it lasts a long time. And then there is still another long time waiting for you to make it all come true. Take my thesis as an instance, I spent several weeks on fixing the main idea, and one month on deciding the algorithm. Before I finish all my research, I think it still needs at least one or two months.
Besides, time is not the most essential part, but your efforts if you just prefer making it qualified. Other factors supporting your dreams, might be the financial supports, techniques supports, and so on.
And of course efficiency, which was mentioned by Sascha last week, is another indicator to evaluate your work. To a certain extent, the efficiency I think depends on your capability and skill, and also is related to the knowledge scope. For me, since I am not familiar with some deep algorithms, or lack some knowledge about the methods, I spent a long time on searching and attaining a good method, then efficiency or working speed more suitable, slowed down.
Another thing that Yamadera-san talked to me is to make a schedule to estimate how long it will take to finish an assignment. Making a working schedule is another way to self-estimate self-ability, and a checking way of efficiency. But many people including me cannot make an accurate schedule to estimate their work, since maybe we rarely have this experience, and do not know ourselves very well.
What I thought recently is written as above. It’s a little out of logic, but useful for myself, and hope a little useful for you.


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