Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Are we ready for AGI?

Are we ready for AGI?



The 2020s are going through a great AI boom. We all are witnessing many AI-based technologies coming into play and getting integrated into our daily lives, aiding in productivity. Text-based chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini are already used to write blogs, news articles and essays for content makers and also aid in code writing for developers. Text-to-image models like DALL-E are used to generate impressive images and short videos just with a simple prompt. You can even create music through Suno AI even when you don’t have the skills and the experience to make one. Just like the examples mentioned above, there are many AI tools made to cater to different fields. With time, these technologies are only going to get better, providing more accurate results. As these technologies are getting better, experts and CEOs from top AI companies are predicting the emergence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in the near future.

What is AGI?

AGI is defined as the type of AI that matches or even surpasses human intelligence in a variety of tasks. It is considered as the next major leap in AI development.

Unlike current AI systems, AGIs will be characterized by:

  • Adaptability: AGIs could learn from past experiences and using the knowledge gained can deal with new situations.
  • Versatility: AGIs can perform various tasks like humans can and are not limited to a narrow set of tasks like the current AI is.
  • Self-Improvement: AGIs could figure out their strengths and weaknesses and, as such could change tactics and invent new ways of solving a problem.
  • General Understanding:  AGIs could interact and infer the world with the same flexibility as humans rather than being constrained to specific tasks within predefined parameters.

As such, its introduction can lead to drastic changes in our lives and even humanity as a whole. This begs us to ask the following question: Are we ready for AGI?

The exact answer to this question is quite uncertain, as the future is unpredictable. However, we can make some inferences by discussing the potential benefits and drawbacks of AGI.


AGI promises the following advantages:

Solve Global Problems

AGI has the potential to address global challenges such as hunger, poverty, climate change, and health issues. AGI’s capacity to process massive data sets, which surpasses human capabilities, enables it to identify and implement effective solutions for these problems.

Enhance Productivity

AGI can be utilized to automate tasks that traditionally require human intelligence. This can significantly enhance productivity across various industries. For example, in the healthcare sector, AGI can assist in elderly care and deliver faster diagnostics. In manufacturing, AGIs have the potential to optimize supply chains and minimize waste. Similarly, in finance, they can contribute to more precise market predictions and risk assessments.

Accelerate Human Capabilities

AGI has the potential to enhance our existing capabilities. AGIs can assist in fostering creativity and improving our decision-making and problem-solving skills. Consequently, AGIs can contribute to driving scientific advancements and innovations, enhancing law enforcement, and improving governance, ultimately leading to an improved quality of life.


However, AGI can cause the following disadvantages:

Job Displacements

Extensive automation with AGI can lead to widespread unemployment, resulting in social and economic inequality. Those with deep knowledge and control of AGI technologies could wield immense power. To address this, retraining programs and new job creation must be prioritized.

Existential Risks

If AGIs were to exceed human intelligence and become difficult to control, they might pose existential risks by becoming unpredictable and hard to manage, potentially causing human extinction or global catastrophe. Research into safety measures and ethical guidelines is essential to mitigate these risks.

Privacy and Security Concerns

AGIs, with their superior intelligence and access to vast amounts of data, could potentially manipulate critical information, raising privacy concerns. They could also hijack essential systems to gain control over human society and manipulate people in ways that we cannot currently foresee.


In summary, AGIs are a double-edged sword. While they have the potential to advance humanity, they also have the capability to be the cause of humanity’s downfall or even its extinction. What is crucial is how they are constructed, trained, and utilized. Although the future is unpredictable, we can remain optimistic while also preparing for the worst.



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