Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Decrypting the “wandering earth” plan

Decrypting the “wandering earth” plan

NAN Kaixi


Why does the earth wander?


It is predicted that the sun will flash helium within hundreds of years and become a red giant star. In this process, the earth will be swallowed up, vaporized and no longer exist by the sun.

Therefore, mankind launched the “Wandering Earth” project, which took 2500 years to go to the neighboring star in Centaurus, 4.22 light-years away.


The journey of human self-rescue is divided into five steps:


In the first stage [era of braking]

It took 50 years to develop and manufacture a planetary engine, so that the engine nozzle was fixed in the opposite direction of the earth’s operation; The first group of planetary engines will be built in 2039, the last group will be built in 2060, and the earth will stop rotating in 2065.

The second stage [Escape era]

Starts the planetary engine with full power to accelerate the earth to escape speed and fly out of the solar system; However, the thrust of the planetary engine is not as strong as we think. It can only give the earth a small acceleration. It cannot push the earth out of the solar orbit at once. Before the earth leaves the sun, it has to make 15 circles around the sun, slowly accelerate and escape from the solar system.

The third stage [era of vagrancy I (acceleration)]

The earth continues to accelerate in outer space and fly to the neighboring star; At this stage, the earth will leave the orbit of the solar system and fly to the target, accelerating continuously for 500 years to five thousandths of the speed of light. In this 500 years, the engine will burn half of the mountains on the Asian continent. Then the earth glided at five thousandths of the speed of light for 1300 years, completing two thirds of the voyage.

In the fourth stage [Wandering Age II (deceleration)]

The earth turned around and began to decelerate for more than 500 years with a planetary engine; It will take more than 100 years to dock into the orbit of the neighboring star.

The fifth stage [new solar era]

The earth becomes a new planet in the target solar system, and human beings arrive at a new home.

People will see the three golden suns in Centaurus rising on the horizon in turn, and all things are bathed in its warm light. The solid air melted into a blue sky. More than 2000 years ago, the seeds recovered from the thawed soil layer and the earth returned to green.

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