Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Use go-zero, prisma to introspect SQL, generating go struct, protobuf, gRPC server / client and RES APIT

Use go-zero, prisma to introspect SQL, generating go struct, protobuf, gRPC server / client and RES APIT



This article is going to build a working demo using go-zero framework, which is a golang api framework using grpc and restapi. It supports codegeration. Prisma is also used to prototyping a database and seed the database. An SQL gen go tool is used to codegen protobuf files, which will be used as templates to generate rpc and api with full-stack frameworks and auto generating graphQL crud operations. The system is arch linux and the database is MariaDB.

See the source code for the working demo

Read the bolg

Architecture and Directory Structure Overview

├── db
│   ├── db_gen.go
│   ├── query-engine-debian-openssl-3.0.x_gen.go
│   └── query-engine-linux_gen.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── greet
│   ├── etc
│   │   └── greet-api.yaml
│   ├── greet.api
│   ├── greet.go
│   └── internal
│       ├── config
│       │   └── config.go
│       ├── handler
│       │   ├── greetHandler.go
│       │   └── routes.go
│       ├── logic
│       │   └── greetLogic.go
│       ├── svc
│       │   └── serviceContext.go
│       └── types
│           └── types.go
├── migrations
│   ├── 20221116081516_init
│   │   └── migration.sql
│   └── migration_lock.toml
├── README.md
├── schema.prisma
└── service
    ├── comment
    │   ├── api
    │   ├── model
    │   │   ├── commentModel_gen.go
    │   │   ├── commentModel.go
    │   │   └── vars.go
    │   └── rpc
    │       ├── comment.go
    │       ├── comment.proto
    │       ├── etc
    │       │   └── comment.yaml
    │       ├── internal
    │       │   ├── config
    │       │   │   └── config.go
    │       │   ├── logic
    │       │   │   ├── addCommentLogic.go
    │       │   │   ├── delCommentLogic.go
    │       │   │   ├── getCommentByIdLogic.go
    │       │   │   ├── searchCommentLogic.go
    │       │   │   └── updateCommentLogic.go
    │       │   ├── server
    │       │   │   └── serviceServer.go
    │       │   └── svc
    │       │       └── serviceContext.go
    │       ├── service
    │       │   └── service.go
    │       └── types
    │           └── comment
    │               ├── comment_grpc.pb.go
    │               └── comment.pb.go
    ├── default.etcd
    │   └── member
    │       ├── snap
    │       │   └── db
    │       └── wal
    │           └── 0000000000000000-0000000000000000.wal
    ├── post
    │   ├── api
    │   │   ├── etc
    │   │   │   └── post-api.yaml
    │   │   ├── internal
    │   │   │   ├── config
    │   │   │   │   └── config.go
    │   │   │   ├── handler
    │   │   │   │   ├── getPostByIdHandler.go
    │   │   │   │   └── routes.go
    │   │   │   ├── logic
    │   │   │   │   └── getPostByIdLogic.go
    │   │   │   ├── svc
    │   │   │   │   └── serviceContext.go
    │   │   │   └── types
    │   │   │       └── types.go
    │   │   ├── postApi.api
    │   │   └── post.go
    │   ├── model
    │   │   ├── postModel_gen.go
    │   │   ├── postModel.go
    │   │   └── vars.go
    │   └── rpc
    │       ├── etc
    │       │   └── post.yaml
    │       ├── internal
    │       │   ├── config
    │       │   │   └── config.go
    │       │   ├── logic
    │       │   │   ├── addPostLogic.go
    │       │   │   ├── delPostLogic.go
    │       │   │   ├── getPostByIdLogic.go
    │       │   │   ├── searchPostLogic.go
    │       │   │   └── updatePostLogic.go
    │       │   ├── server
    │       │   │   └── serviceServer.go
    │       │   └── svc
    │       │       └── serviceContext.go
    │       ├── post.go
    │       ├── post.proto
    │       ├── service
    │       │   └── service.go
    │       └── types
    │           └── post
    │               ├── post_grpc.pb.go
    │               └── post.pb.go
    └── service.proto

Install go | Arch Linux 1

Remove any previous Go installation by deleting the /usr/local/go folder (if it exists), then extract the archive you just downloaded into /usr/local, creating a fresh Go tree in /usr/local/go:

(You may need to run the command as root or through sudo).

Do not untar the archive into an existing /usr/local/go tree. This is known to produce broken Go installations.

cd Downloads
rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.19.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz

In a new terminal.

sudo nano ~/.xprofile
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/Workspace/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH


Install redis (optional), protobuf, protoc-gen-go, etcd, goctl, Go for VS Code (Extension), Ctrl+Shift+P (Go>Install/Update Tools), ext:proto.

cd Package
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/protoc-gen-go.git
cd protoc-gen-go
makepkg -i
cd ..
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/etcd.git
cd etcd
makepkg -i
cd Workspace
go install github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/tools/goctl@latest

Install MariaDB | Arch Linux 3

Install MariaDB 5 and additional packages (mariadb-clients, mariadb-libs) in Arch Linux.

Install mariadb, and run the following command before starting the mariadb.service:

mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql

Now mariadb.service can be started and/or enabled 6.

Starting the MariaDB Server Process on Boot.

MariaDB’s systemd service can be configured to start at boot by executing the following:

sudo systemctl enable mariadb.service

Starting the MariaDB Server Process.

MariaDB’s systemd service can be started by executing the following:

sudo systemctl start mariadb.service

Once you have started the MySQL server and added a root account, you may want to change the default configuration.

To log in as root on the MySQL server, use the following command:

sudo mysql -u root -p

Add user.

Creating a new user takes two steps: create the user; grant privileges. In the below example, the user monty with some_pass as password is being created, then granted full permissions to the database mydb:
The reason why we do this is that the prisma tool we are going to use creates shadow database for development, and requires shadow database user permissions 7.

In order to create and delete the shadow database when using development commands such as migrate dev and migrate reset, Prisma Migrate currently requires that the database user defined in your datasource has permission to create databases.

MySQL: Database user must have CREATE, ALTER, DROP, REFERENCES ON . privileges.

MariaDBCREATE USER 'monty'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
MariaDBGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'monty'@'localhost';

Initialise a new Go project.

If you don’t have a Go project yet, initialise one using Go modules:

Init multi-module workspaces 8.

cd Workspace
go work init ./go-demo
mkdir go-demo
cd go-demo
go mod init go-demo

Get Prisma Client Go.

go get -u github.com/prisma/prisma-client-go

Prepare your database schema in a schema.prisma file. For example, a simple schema with a sqlite database and Prisma Client Go as a generator with two models would look like this:

datasource db {
    // could be postgresql or mysql
    provider = "mysql"
    url      = "mysql://username:password@localhost:3306/mydb"

generator db {
    provider = "go run github.com/prisma/prisma-client-go"
    // set the output folder and package name
    // output           = "./your-folder"
    // package          = "yourpackagename"

model Post {
    id        Int       @id @default(autoincrement())
    createdAt DateTime  @default(now())
    updatedAt DateTime  @updatedAt
    title     String
    published Boolean
    desc      String?
    Comment   Comment[]

model Comment {
    id        Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
    createdAt DateTime @default(now())
    content   String

    post   Post @relation(fields: [postID], references: [id])
    postID Int

To get this up and running in your database, we use the Prisma migration tool migrate to create and migrate our database:

go run github.com/prisma/prisma-client-go migrate dev --name init
go mod tidy

After the migration, the Prisma Client Go client is automatically generated in your project.

Seed mydb>Post table with test data.

Edit migrations/xxxx_init/migration.sql.

 -- SEED
 INSERT INTO `Post` (`id`,`updatedAt`,`title`,`published`, `desc`) VALUES (1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3),"testpost",false, "desc");

If you just want to re-generate the client, run:

go run github.com/prisma/prisma-client-go generate.

Use go-zero to init an API-Gateway (Hello World Demo) 9

Install go-zero, protoc-gen-go.

go get -u github.com/zeromicro/go-zero@latest
go get -u google.golang.org/protobuf@latest

Create greet service (API).

goctl api new greet --style=goZero
go mod tidy

Write logic:

nano greet/internal/logic/greetlogic.go

Write the response message.

func (l *GreetLogic) Greet(req types.Request) (*types.Response, error) {
   return &types.Response{
       Message: "Hello go-zero",
   }, nil

Start and access the service.
Start service.

cd greet
go run greet.go -f etc/greet-api.yaml

Access service.

curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8888/from/you

Generate Protobuf from mysql and use generated prodoc to write proto file for rpc 10

Go install Mikaelemmmm/sql2pb 11.

cd ../..
go install github.com/Mikaelemmmm/sql2pb@latest

Generate Protobuf from mysql.

cd go-demo
mkdir service
cd service
sql2pb -go_package ./pb -host localhost -package pb -password password -port 3306 -schema mydb -service_name service -user username service.proto

Directory Structure.

mkdir post
mkdir comment
cd post
mkdir api
mkdir rpc
cd rpc
touch post.proto
cd ../..
cd comment
mkdir api
mkdir rpc
cd rpc
touch comment.proto
cd ../..

Protobuf Templates

Edit post.proto.

syntax = "proto3";

option go_package ="./post";

package post;

// ------------------------------------ 
// Messages
// ------------------------------------ 

syntax = "proto3";

option go_package = "./post";

package post;

// ------------------------------------
// Messages
// ------------------------------------

message Post {
  int64 id = 1;        // id
  int64 createdAt = 2; // createdAt
  int64 updatedAt = 3; // updatedAt
  string title = 4;    // title
  int64 published = 5; // published
  string desc = 6;     // desc

message AddPostReq {
  int64 createdAt = 1; // createdAt
  int64 updatedAt = 2; // updatedAt
  string title = 3;    // title
  int64 published = 4; // published
  string desc = 5;     // desc

message AddPostResp {}

message UpdatePostReq {
  int64 id = 1;        // id
  int64 createdAt = 2; // createdAt
  int64 updatedAt = 3; // updatedAt
  string title = 4;    // title
  int64 published = 5; // published
  string desc = 6;     // desc

message UpdatePostResp {}

message DelPostReq {
  int64 id = 1; // id

message DelPostResp {}

message GetPostByIdReq {
  int64 id = 1; // id

message GetPostByIdResp {
  Post post = 1; // post

message SearchPostReq {
  int64 page = 1;      // page
  int64 pageSize = 2;  // pageSize
  int64 id = 3;        // id
  int64 createdAt = 4; // createdAt
  int64 updatedAt = 5; // updatedAt
  string title = 6;    // title
  int64 published = 7; // published
  string desc = 8;     // desc

message SearchPostResp {
  repeated Post post = 1; // post

// ------------------------------------
// Rpc Func
// ------------------------------------

service service {

  rpc AddPost(AddPostReq) returns (AddPostResp);
  rpc UpdatePost(UpdatePostReq) returns (UpdatePostResp);
  rpc DelPost(DelPostReq) returns (DelPostResp);
  rpc GetPostById(GetPostByIdReq) returns (GetPostByIdResp);
  rpc SearchPost(SearchPostReq) returns (SearchPostResp);

Edit comment.proto.

syntax = "proto3";

option go_package = "./comment";

package comment;

// ------------------------------------
// Messages
// ------------------------------------

message Comment {
  int64 id = 1;        // id
  int64 createdAt = 2; // createdAt
  string content = 3;  // content
  int64 postID = 4;    // postID

message AddCommentReq {
  int64 createdAt = 1; // createdAt
  string content = 2;  // content
  int64 postID = 3;    // postID

message AddCommentResp {}

message UpdateCommentReq {
  int64 id = 1;        // id
  int64 createdAt = 2; // createdAt
  string content = 3;  // content
  int64 postID = 4;    // postID

message UpdateCommentResp {}

message DelCommentReq {
  int64 id = 1; // id

message DelCommentResp {}

message GetCommentByIdReq {
  int64 id = 1; // id

message GetCommentByIdResp {
  Comment comment = 1; // comment

message SearchCommentReq {
  int64 page = 1;      // page
  int64 pageSize = 2;  // pageSize
  int64 id = 3;        // id
  int64 createdAt = 4; // createdAt
  string content = 5;  // content
  int64 postID = 6;    // postID

message SearchCommentResp {
  repeated Comment comment = 1; // comment

// ------------------------------------
// Rpc Func
// ------------------------------------

service service {

  rpc AddComment(AddCommentReq) returns (AddCommentResp);
  rpc UpdateComment(UpdateCommentReq) returns (UpdateCommentResp);
  rpc DelComment(DelCommentReq) returns (DelCommentResp);
  rpc GetCommentById(GetCommentByIdReq) returns (GetCommentByIdResp);
  rpc SearchComment(SearchCommentReq) returns (SearchCommentResp);

Generate Model from mysql, Generate Rpc using Prodoc

goctl model mysql datasource -url="username:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/mydb" -table="Post" -dir=./post/model --style=goZero
goctl model mysql datasource -url="username:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/mydb" -table="Comment" -dir=./comment/model --style=goZero
cd ..
go mod tidy
cd service
goctl rpc protoc ./post/rpc/post.proto --go_out=./post/rpc/types --go-grpc_out=./post/rpc/types --zrpc_out=./post/rpc --style=goZero
goctl rpc protoc ./comment/rpc/comment.proto --go_out=./comment/rpc/types --go-grpc_out=./comment/rpc/types --zrpc_out=./comment/rpc --style=goZero
sed -i 's/,omitempty//g' ./post/rpc/types/post/post.pb.go
sed -i 's/,omitempty//g' ./comment/rpc/types/comment/comment.pb.go
cd ..
go mod tidy
cd service

Business Coding (Coding rpc)

Add database configuration for rpc in yaml file.

nano ./post/rpc/etc/post.yaml

Edit post.yaml.

  Key: post.rpc
  DataSource: username:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/mydb?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=true&loc=Asia%2FTokyo

Add database struct for rpc config.

nano ./post/rpc/internal/config/config.go

Edit config.go.

package config

import "github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/zrpc"

type Config struct {
    Mysql struct {
        DataSource string

In model, comment unused datasource.

nano ./post/model/postModel.go

Edit postModel.go.

import (

Also edit commentModel.go in the same way.

Add resource dependency (srvice context or model) for rpc in svc:

nano ./post/rpc/internal/svc/serviceContext.go

Edit serviceContext.go.

package svc

import (


type ServiceContext struct {
    Config    config.Config
    PostModel model.PostModel

func NewServiceContext(c config.Config) *ServiceContext {
    conn := sqlx.NewMysql(c.Mysql.DataSource)
    return &ServiceContext{
        Config:    c,
        PostModel: model.NewPostModel(conn),

Write logic for rpc.

nano ./post/rpc/internal/logic/getPostByIdLogic.go

Edit getPostByIdLogic.go.

func (l *GetPostByIdLogic) GetPostById(in *post.GetPostByIdReq) (*post.GetPostByIdResp, error) {
    // todo: add your logic here and delete this line
    onePost, err := l.svcCtx.PostModel.FindOne(l.ctx, in.Id)
    switch err {
    case nil:
    case model.ErrNotFound:
        return nil, errors.New("post does not exist")
        return nil, err
    return &post.GetPostByIdResp{
        Post: &post.Post{
            Id:        onePost.Id,
            CreatedAt: onePost.CreatedAt.Unix(),
            UpdatedAt: onePost.UpdatedAt.Unix(),
            Title:     onePost.Title,
            Published: onePost.Published,
            Desc:      onePost.Desc,
    }, nil

Generating APIs

Define APIs:

touch ./post/api/postApi.api

Edit postApi.api.

type (
    GetPostByIdReq {
        Id int64 `json:"id"`

    GetPostByIdResp {
        Post *Post `json:"post"`

    Post {
        Id        int64  `json:"id"`
        CreatedAt int64  `json:"createdAt"`
        UpdatedAt int64  `json:"updatedAt"`
        Title     string `json:"title"`
        Published int64  `json:"published"`
        Desc      string `json:"desc"`

service post-api {
    @handler getPostById
    post /api/post/getPostById (GetPostByIdReq) returns (GetPostByIdResp)

Generate api services.

goctl api go --api ./post/api/postApi.api -dir ./post/api --style=goZero

Edit config.go.

package config

 import (

type Config struct {
    PostRpc zrpc.RpcClientConf

Add yaml configuration.

nano ./post/api/etc/post-api.yaml

Intergrate rpc for api in yaml file.

Port: 8888
    Key: post.rpc

Refine the service dependencies.

nano ./post/api/internal/svc/serviceContext.go

Edit serviceContext.go.

package svc

import (


type ServiceContext struct {
    Config  config.Config
    PostRpc service.Service

func NewServiceContext(c config.Config) *ServiceContext {
    return &ServiceContext{
        Config:  c,https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/MySQL
import (




func (l *PostLogic) Post(req *types.GetPostByIdReq) (resp *types.GetPostByIdResp, err error) {
    // todo: add your logic here and delete this line
    // use post rpc
    onePost, err := l.svcCtx.PostRpc.GetPostById(l.ctx, &post.GetPostByIdReq{
        Id: req.Id,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &types.GetPostByIdResp{
        Post: &types.Post{
	    Id:        onePost.Id,
	    CreatedAt: onePost.CreatedAt.Unix(),
	    UpdatedAt: onePost.UpdatedAt.Unix(),
	    Title:     onePost.Title,
	    Published: onePost.Published,
	    Desc:      onePost.Desc,
	}, nil

Known Issues

  • An mySQL record can not contain null value, if null, there will be an error that can not convert null to string, which means in prisma schema, the string? should be string.
  • In prisma schema, the Id should be the type Int, not string, which means that the advanced feature like cuid support is missing. Otherwise, in the generated model, the type of Id would be string (because go-zero introspacted the database and infered the type according to the database, but the protobuf uses Mikaelemmmm/sql2pb codegen)


[1]: https://go.dev/doc/install
[2]: https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/workspaces
[3]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/MySQL
[4]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/MariaDB
[5]: https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/mariadb
[6]: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/systemd
[7]: https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-migrate/shadow-database
[8]: https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/workspaces
[9]: https://go-zero.dev
[10]: https://blog.csdn.net/wanglei19891210/article/details/124420212
[11]: https://github.com/Mikaelemmmm/sql2pb


Author: Yuzuki
Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 unless stating additionally.

Comments are closed.