Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Eyes, JAPAN Employee Interview [Vol. 10]

Eyes, JAPAN Employee Interview [Vol. 10]



The special series to put a spotlight on our international staff, “Eyes, JAPAN employee interview” has started! Our 10th interviewee is Angelita Gozally from Indonesia. It has been 1 year and 3 months since she started working for Eyes, JAPAN.

We wanted to get to know about her experience of living in Aizu and working in Eyes, JAPAN!

(Interviewer: Merci)

Enjoys handcrafting

What is your favorite thing about your home country?

Angie: I love the variety of food and the beautiful nature.

Why did you come to Japan and what do you like about Japan?

Angie: I started watching anime and Japanese drama back in the middle school, then I thought that I will really enjoy the environment so I would like to be able to experience living in Japan. that is why I decided to go to a University in Japan. What I like about Japan is firstly the environment, it feels safe and Peaceful so I have no worries living there alone. I also really like the food and culture.

What do you think about life in Aizu?

Angie: It is very nice and peaceful, I very much enjoy looking at the mountain scenery whenever I am going out somewhere.

What is your favorite way of spending the weekend/holidays in Aizu?

Angie: I like going out with my friends on the weekend or holidays, but I also enjoy simply resting at home after a long, tiring week.

What is your hobby?

Angie: I love cooking, reading, and watching movies or dramas. and I love to sleep (if you count that as a hobby).

What is your academic background and what kind of research are you doing or have done before?

Angie: I am currently a third year undergraduate student in University of Aizu. I have not dived much into the research world but I just recently joined a soft planing system project in my lab in the university.

Do you have any things or skills that you are proud of?

Angie: I wouldn’t say I’m very skilled at it but I enjoy handcrafting and I’m just happy to see that I can create something even though it’s not very good.

Friendly and relaxing

How did you know about Eyes, JAPAN and why did you decide to join?

Angie: One of my senior used to work at Eyes, JAPAN and he introduced me to this company. I really like that it has an international environment and I also find it very friendly and relaxing.

What is your role and what kind of projects have you been working on in Eyes Japan?

Angie: I usually work on website-related tasks and I’m also responsible for this International Staff Interview series.

Could you let us know your most memorable project in Eyes, JAPAN?

Angie: I like working on website-related tasks but I have to say the most memorable one is this interview series because I talked more to everyone because of this series and I also had the chance to experience organizing a photoshoot event for everyone. I was nervous and I made mistakes because it was my first time, but it was a really good learning experience for me.

Which customs in Eyes, JAPAN do you like the most?

Angie: I enjoy the weekly meeting. It is nice to be able to meet everyone in the office and learn new things from the study sessions. I also think that the dinner after the meeting is a nice chance to get to know everyone better.

What do you think about your colleagues in Eyes, JAPAN?

Angie: Everyone is very nice and friendly. I feel welcomed when I first joined the company and I also received a lot of help from everyone.

What do you think about the working environment in Eyes, JAPAN?

Angie: The working environment is relaxing, so I can relax and focus while working there.

What do you think about working at the company and working at home?

Angie: I like working in the office because it helps me to focus more on my work, but I also enjoy working at home, especially with my busy schedule as a student. It takes time for me to go to the office, so I find it really nice that I can also work at home.

What kind of problems or challenges have you faced while working in Eyes, JAPAN, and
how did you solve it?

Angie: The most challenging moment that I have experienced is definitely organizing the photoshoot session. It was my first time organizing such an event and I faced some problems throughout the day. The way I tried to deal with it is by asking for suggestions and help from other people.

Wants to help other people and travel the world

Have you experienced any culture shock while working in Japan?

Angie: Up until now I have never experienced it, maybe because Eyes, JAPAN has an international environment, and I never work anywhere else before.

How do you balance your working, studying and private time?

Angie: Usually don’t have a very strict schedule, but I try to allocate some specific time to rest. For example, I will relax and watch YouTube or movies when I’m eating, then after that I will go back to work or study. I think it really helps because I can relax at some point throughout the day without taking too much time.

Do you have any advice for people from a different countries who want to work in Japan?

Angie: Definitely try to learn the language before working in Japan. Even though maybe we mainly use other language such as English in the company, knowing a little bit of Japanese would really help in our daily life and help us to communicate more with our Japanese friends.

What kind of projects do you want to work on in the future?

Angie: I really like working on website-related tasks so I hope to be able to keep working on such tasks but in a deeper or larger scale compared to what I have done so far.

What motivates you to keep working or studying?

Angie: My goal at the end is to be a better person and also be able to live on my own without relying on anyone else. It keeps me going because in order to do that, I still have a long way to go and have to learn much more.

What is your dream?

Angie: I would like to be able to help other people and also I want to travel around the world.

Thank you!

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