Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Eyes, JAPAN Employee Interview [Vol.4]

Eyes, JAPAN Employee Interview [Vol.4]



The special series to put a spotlight on our international staff, “Eyes, JAPAN employee interview” has started! Our 4th interviewee is Mola Bogdan Georgii.

It has been around 4 years since he started working in Eyes, JAPAN, and recently he is focusing on web development.

We wanted to ask Georgii about his life in Aizu and his working experience in Eyes, JAPAN!

(Interviewer: Angie)

Aizu: Calm and Beautiful, Turning Modern

Which country did you come from, and what do you like about your home country/town?

Georgii: I was born in Cuba, but I grew up in Russia. What I like about my home town is the rich variety of local cuisines, the nature, and also the mild climate.

What do you like about Japan?

Georgii: What I like about Japan is the calm and stable lifestyle, rich culture, and the diversity of natural environment.

What do you think about Aizu?

Georgii: I think Aizu is a very calm town with beautiful nature, but at the same time it is also trying to follow the modern trends.

What is your favorite way of spending the weekend or holidays in Aizu?

Georgii: I love to go hiking, walking, skiing, and cycling around.

What is your hobby, and how do you usually spend your free time?

Georgii: I like a bit of everything, like playing video games, reading books, watching movies, listening to music, and watching anime. In my free time, I enjoy outdoor activities such as walking around in nature, meeting friends and visiting new or beloved places, or it could be intensive video game session until late evening.

What is your academic background and what kind of research are you doing now?

Georgii: My first education was related to engineering of automated systems, then I switched to computer science. At the moment my research is about multi agent data driven machine learning.

What do you think is the hottest topic related to technology nowadays?

Georgii: AI based solutions, Internet related technologies (Blockchain, IoT etc.), Next generation of CPU – overcoming Moore’s Law problem.

Likes the Diversity of Projects and Technologies.

Why did you decide to join Eyes, JAPAN?

Georgii: I got to know about Eyes, JAPAN from a friend, and I decided to join because I want experience related to my study field, and also, I like the diversity of projects and technologies here. We have various projects, from web development to IoT.

What kind of projects have you been working on in Eyes, JAPAN?

Georgii: First tasks that I got were related to Python scripting, Azure, and Docker support for machine learning project. Aside from that, I was also working on two big projects related to iOS development. However, recently, I am more focused in web development with Vue.js and Node.js

In your opinion, which project is the most memorable?

Georgii: There was a project that aimed to automate assessment of situation after natural disaster in different places. Additionally, there was also hackathon about development status control solution for COVID-19 situation. These projects are notable for big impact on society, so it was the most memorable for me.

What do you like the most about Eyes, JAPAN?

Georgii: I like the flexibility, adequate formalism, variety of tasks, friendly atmosphere, high-end coffee, and also company cultures which include not just traditional nice events such as End of Year party, Apple picking party, or picnics, but also some random events like talks with honorable guests.

What do you think about the working environment and your colleagues in Eyes, JAPAN?

Georgii: Eyes, JAPAN has a colorful workshop that physically reflects the company’s culture and values, and you can also find exotic devices and pieces of IT history. Aside from that, I also find it very enjoyable to work with my colleagues in Eyes, JAPAN because they always assist me when I am in trouble, they are understanding, and they don’t mind humor.

Do you prefer working in the company or at home?

Georgii: For me there is no golden standard. Work at home has advantages like time saving, flexibility which is very important for working students. But working at office has specific “working” atmosphere. In addition, I highly value ability to talk in person, since we have multicultural society in company, so communication in person contribute to better understanding and creating social bounds which in its turn contribute to performance and healthy working culture.

What kind of environment do you usually work in?

Georgii: Modern web development is mostly does not depends on the platform, but I prefer to work with iMac provided by company. For me, Ultimate editor is VS Code, and I can’t see web development without JS. However, I also highly respect other things like Dart or TypeScript.

Advice: Learn The Language for Better Experience!

What are some of the pros and cons of working at a Japanese company?

Georgii: Most mainstream Japanese companies are still quite conservative. The biggest con for me the very short vacation. Only a few companies are trying to switch to modern ways. Japan has a lot of long weekends, however, it is still not an option for person with foreign nationality who may want to visit home country or any person who would like to have some adequate travel abroad.
Georgii: Among pros I could mention stability, which is mostly related to lifestyle in general. Recently different companies offer different advantages. But one common pro came from fact that a lot of companies can provide projects within cutting edge fields.

How do you balance your working and private time?

Georgii: I prefer to have at least one full day per week at office. It allows to focused on tasks deeply and keep on track. Depending on business, I can do shorter remote or onsite working sessions. Usually do not work on weekend, but if do, work from early morning so I can have rest day.

What motivates you to keep working or studying?

Georgii: What motivates me are the progress which elevates life to new levels, new discoveries or experiences, opportunities to do something useful and to fulfill personal wishes.

Any advice for people who wants to work in Japan?

Georgii: First of all, have a clear understanding about local culture and life in Japan, so preliminary research is highly recommended. Be open-minded, you may encounter things that works not like at home. And if possible, learn the language to make that experience brighter.

What is your dream and what kind of project do you want to work on in the future?

Georgii: My dream is to do anything that will make someone feel excited. In the future, I would like to work on something that will allow to improve full stack skills. And if possible, projects with direct impact on people’s life.

Thank you!

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