Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Listening on the go

Listening on the go




How do you usually spend time while commuting, flying or even waiting in the line at the shop, bank or city hall? I usually listen to some audio content on my device. Not music, but audiobooks or podcast. An audiobook is a great way to increase one’s reading time. If you haven’t tried yet, I guarantee you will be surprised to see how many books you will be able to read even when you don’t have time for actual reading. Nowadays, many books have audio versions. There are big players like Amazon’s Audible or audiobooks.com who claim to have more than 100,000 books. If you register a new account on these websites you’ll be able to get one audiobook for free.

But when I feel tired or don’t have an appropriate mood for the audiobook I tune in a podcast. Sometimes, with a busy schedule, it is almost the only chance to stay informed about what’s happening in the world or in a particular field.

First weekly podcast, I usually listen to, is called This Week in Tech. It is a great round-up of IT news of the week with some of the best tech journalists sharing their opinions on a variety of topics.

The other interesting podcast I regularly follow is called Science Friday. It is also a round-up of news, but this time of science news. The host of the podcast Ira Flatow invites scientists and science journalist and asks them to describe scientific discoveries for a general public.

The other podcast I am subscribed to and check out the episodes I’m interested in is called Software Engineering Radio. You can find tutorials and interviews with leaders of the field on various topics.

Have you been listening to any interesting audiobooks or podcasts recently?

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