Black bears in the sign jungle

But this can be kind of dangerous as well. Somehow the first subconscious expectation about things you haven’t been confronted with in a different environment, is naively that it is similar to your home country. I’m from a country where the most dangerous animal is maybe the tick. So we don’t have animals like bears in Germany. (At least we hadn’t for about 170 years with one exception in 2006. But this bear was shot by Bavarian hunters…) Of course I heard about bears in Japan. But I wasn’t thinking about it anymore because of the hiker’s replies to my question was always that wasps were probably the biggest danger you could encounter in the Japanese nature; but their season has gone now. So I was doing my hikes without worrying to much. At least until I encountered my first black bear: a really huge animal. Thanks god it was only a padded one. But to think I could encounter a living exemplar in the forest… And suddenly I see all this warning signs along hiking paths again which are giving me the good advice to beware of dangerous bears and poisonous snakes.