hot hot hot

very much! Thank you for everybody who joined. I hope we can repeat
before I will go back to Germany!
Sooooo… What’s the difference between German and Japanese BBQ? Well…
I can hardly find one. There are only three points (actually only one of
them is really “important”):
– our BBQ grill stands even everytime, so no sausages can roll down.
Very important as German people love sausages 😉
– our BBQ grill is not so hot. We use less briquets. But we need more
time than you needed 😉
– nobody was drunken??? That’s the most biggest difference. Not, that
German people get drunken. As we’ve learned of Watanabe-san, we never
become drunken. But we really drink more alcohol. Maybe I should write
we drink nearly only beer. Beer was missing, wasn’t it? I can’t remember
seeing someone with a beer.
But that’s all. Next to the bbq I enjoyed the Inawashiro lake. The
enviroment was awesome!!! I really want to go there again!