keep well and fit

Today it’s my turn to fill the diary. To my surprise I’ve got 2 CDs,
probably music but I’m not really sure. So I will enjoy. As everyone can
see and feel, the winter is coming! But don’t care about this. Outside it’s
cold and you can easily catch a cold, but the free Vitamines keep us well
and fit. I should try the bananas… but I hesitate. Don’t ask for the
probably music but I’m not really sure. So I will enjoy. As everyone can
see and feel, the winter is coming! But don’t care about this. Outside it’s
cold and you can easily catch a cold, but the free Vitamines keep us well
and fit. I should try the bananas… but I hesitate. Don’t ask for the
By the way, the office is getting a little new look. (In Germany we usally
clean and change in March, when the winter has gone.) I’m sure you will see
a picture shortly!
Bleibt gesund! Kathrin