Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Happy New Year

Happy New Year



Happy New Year, and everyone at Eyes, JAPAN has resumed our work without problems. We will be working even harder this year, so please continue to watch over our progress.

During the one week of holidays, I have been spending my time productively; “playing” the first 3.5days, and “working” the following 3.5days. Balance between work and play is important, after all.

One thing I did during the first 3.5 days was to visit a shrine: Isasumi Jinja. It was the first day of 2012, and past noon. I had wanted to have my first experience doing “hatsumode”, but the queue to pray at the shrine was much longer than expected – it was a 2-hour wait – and I had to give up. I bought an omamori, and am proud to announce that the gods have decided to bless me with the best fortune for this year.

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