Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Endangered Species.

Endangered Species.



I feel like I’m one of the last people on earth who still listen to music. Listen to music. I don’t mean listening to music while you’re driving in your car. I don’t mean listening to music while you’re doing your homework. I don’t mean listening to music while you’re exercising on your bike or home trainer. And I don’t mean listening to music while reading a book or doing whatever else could be done simulateously. What I mean is listening to music, and solely listening to music. Listening to music and concentrate on the lyrics, concentrate on what the songwriter wants to tell you, what message or story he wants to carry out into the world.

I often sit or lie down, turn the stereo on and listen to the music playing. While doing so I’m able to submerge into a more relaxed state of mind, into the world the musician is telling me about. I’m able to concentrate on the melody and the words he is singing. Trying to understand their meaning, trying to interpret it. But as mentioned above, I feel like the last person on earth with this kind of attitude towards music. And this thought saddens me.

I think people don’t savour music adequately. I think people don’t really appreciate the works of the artists. It seems they just want to have something to kill silence with. In my eyes this is an affront towards the musicians who really put lots of thoughts into his lyrics, as well as to music as a whole.

One response to “Endangered Species.”

  1. Daniel Koekert says:

    I guess you are right. I would count myself more into the “Listen to music while doing other things” category.
    I guess it’s nowadays the way it is. When you are young you want to see everything go everywhere do everything. There is so much to do and so little time. Later when you have seen a lot of things, have done things you wanted to do, somehow there comes the point when you realize the beauty of the small simple things you couldn’t realize before. Like listening to the wind blowing gently through the leaves, the sound of walking on dry fallen leaves in autumn and so on.
    I guess one shifts it’s view on the world many times in life so even people who now don’t listen to music in your way may change, good music will always be appreciated :o).
    Also I personally believe many song writers seeing me driving in a car singing to the song they wrote and having a good time will smile and like the way their music makes my day a bit brighter.