Eyes, JAPAN Blog > A new start

A new start



Today marks the start of a new fiscal year, and with it I also welcome
a few other changes in my life. Firstly, I have officially become a
part of the working society. Secondly, I have started living alone
after three years of staying with my twin sister. And I have also
moved to a castle town after staying in cities for my whole life.
Having all these changes happen within a short period of time will
make anyone uncertain, I am sure.

However, life in Aizu is unexpectedly easy to adapt to. Maybe this is
the case of 住めば都, which translates literally into “wherever you stay
will become your castle”. At work, I am constantly learning new
things, and facing new challenges. My colleagues and superiors try to
make me feel included in this close-knitted society, and I barely have
enough time for myself – which is a good thing.

A song by Sakamoto Maaya goes “変わることを恐れながら ここに留まりたくもない”, which
translates into “I fear changes, and yet I do not want to remain in
one place”.

I find myself amused at my past self who thought that a 30second walk
to a supermarket was long, and I hope to forge good relationships with
the people around me now. I look forward to the new experiences coming
my way.

P.S.: www.aizu.com has undergone a renewal, do check out the new site!
(image source: http://roninpooh.seesaa.net/article/22368431.html)

Ying Tong

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