Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Café International

Café International



(cc) kurtxio
I always loved to get to know people from other countries and different cultural backgrounds. And to do so I always tried to take the opportunities to travel in other countries or to get in contact with those who traveled to my place. This is also one of many reasons for my stay here at Aizu. It is always thrilling to listen to what other people think about the things you engage yourself in and to get to know what point of views others have. But different backgrounds and perspectives can be separative as well, sometimes.

Some weeks ago I was invited to go to a jazz session at a bar in the city center of Aizu. And because I love music, especially if it is played life, I joined of course. This evening was initiated by a friend whose family came from Colombia for a visit. The performance was great and was followed by a jam session; so everybody was invited to join and to do some music improvisation together. I have to admit that I am rather shy when it comes to play music in front of people, but I missed playing piano for almost a year. And finally I experienced this incredible night, where people from Japan, Colombia, USA, Russia and Germany, amongst others, played, sang and just had a good time together. And that despite the fact of being originally from totally different environments and partially not being able to talk to each other because of different languages. So whenever the differences seem to be insurmountable and exchange not possible anymore, just let’s grab some musical instruments and have a good time. (West-Eastern Divan Orchestra)


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