Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Busy, but Happy

Busy, but Happy



This month, I started my internship in Eyes, JAPAN.
According to my plan, util last month I can finish my paper for an international conference and then submit.
But the deadline for submission was put off to the middle of this month.
So I have to continue preparing the paper.

Internship is different from part time job.
More research and analysis are required.
Collecting relational information and handling them make my brain quickly running all the daytime.
At night, I have to wrack my brain for paper.
My brain works as a machine, isn’t it 🙂

But I’m happy, because of full time in company, I have more chance to talk and have dinners with staff.
Last week, I had the most delicious 丼,うな丼, at Nihei-san’s suggestion.
Next time, I will try the お茶漬け, which Oyama-san enjoied.
After discussing with Nihei-san, Yingtong about the medical relational projects, I learnd many thing.

It is just the beginning of medical project, there are many thing I need to learn, it’s better to be busy.
I belive “My effort will pay off.”

Yongping Chen

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