Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Exhibition Day 2

Exhibition Day 2

Eyes, JAPAN Blog 編集部


This Friday was the second day of the “Medical Creation” exhibition in Koriyama.

Unfortunately it was not so frequently visited which is why I had the chance to listen to a symposium held by professors from Sweden, the USA and Japan.

They talked about the latest developments in the field of medical devices as well as legal issues (safety, patents) that have to be taken into consideration when inventing new devices.

Most interesting was the presentation of a Greek-American professor from Stanford University who gave a lecture on government sponsored research at Stanford University and what the regulations are which are imposed on the researchers when trying to bring a new device to the market.

Also very inspiring was the lecture of a Swedish professor from the Umea University (http://www.umu.se/umu/index_eng.html) Design department who presented various inventions of his students in the field of product design among which a lot of medical devices could be found. He also stated that an education in product design at Umea University belongs to the Top 10 educations in the world. So if you are a talented designer go ahead and check out their website!

The exhibition ended after the symposium and in about 30 minutes every booth was disassembled.

by Julian

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