Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Back Up!

Back Up!



Backup-Seagate-iconAs promised in my last blog post, I provide a concise follow-up of my experience with off-site backup services.

The 30 days trial period of my Crashplan account is over and I also went to 15 days of trial on Backblaze for off-site backup of my Mac.

While I couldn’t notice any big difference in the backup speed between the two services, I definitely prefer to run the software written by Backblaze. The main reason for this is that their application is nicely integrated as a panel in the System Preferences and feels much snappier than Crashplan’s counterpart.

If I am not mistaken, Crashplan does not offer a native application but instead builds their software on Java. If you need to backup machines that are not Macs or Windows boxes then you probably might be happy with the Java App provided. I however only need to bring the data on my Mac to a save place and it leaves a much nicer feeling knowing that the people running the service actually care enough to spend the time building a native application for me.

Backup and restore seems pretty reliable on both services, so chose whichever suits your preferences, since the extended list of features is quite different between them.

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