Eyes, JAPAN Blog > No Time

No Time



PocketIn our modern lives everybody is connected always and everywhere. New information is shooting at us in a high pace and there certainly is quite some amount that we would like to take a closer look. Articles we find interesting to read, video and audio recording we’d like to watch.

But often at the time when the information arrives, we are busy with other things; be it working or enjoying our time off. In the recent years, services have been created to solve this very problem.

The most popular services that allow to save articles for later consumption and archiving are Instapaper and Pocket. At least they are my favourites. After subscribing to their service (and optionally installing their application on the smartphone) you are ready to go. Thanks to integration in a wide variety of applications and plugins for major browsers it is an easy task to store the link of a website currently open in the browser, found in a Twitter message or having been sent by a friend with instant message in the service.

I am using it constantly to pile up interesting articles found or being presented throughout the day. This way I can consume them when I have the time (or made the time). And a wonderful side-effect of saving articles for later reading is that I get to have a second look at the headlines and excerpts. Many articles that seemed interesting at first glances turn out to be not worth reading or even being outdated by newer articles by the time I would start to read them, therefore saving me a lot of time every day.

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