Eyes, JAPAN Blog > A bit about statistics and reading between lines

A bit about statistics and reading between lines



Dear blog, it has been a while since I typed something into one of those nice input fields with a type of textarea…

For this one I would rather be quite short but informative ( or at least I hope so ), thus today I would write about…Google Trends :).
I think most of the people aware of what it is and what it does, so I would just concentrate on some interesting points of its usage.

One can find it here.

Tables and graphs are very powerful tool to organize datasets into more easy to digest format and Trends provide them based on keywords used for search.
In other words, it provides data for a volume of search requests ( amount of people actually typed query and pressed search button ) for given topic.

Let’s see how it possible to use this knowledge.

I personally use a lot of Apple hardware, thus I would like to know a bit more about them. One can see it here

How is it useful to us, you might ask? If we look on the graph we see that for last 2 years Apple had sudden increase in interest around Oct.2011, Mar. 2012, Sep.2012…
Does it ring any bells?

Maybe iPhone? We can combine both trends into one view like this.

Ah-a! Two peaks have similar shape and around Oct.2012 and Sep.2012. So, this is why Apple got that much attention during those two time spans.

This is how it’s possible to compare datasets and try to use the power of Google and modern Internet technologies to actually see how certain events connected.

That is all. Dear Blog, see you next time.

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