Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Innovatively Recycle your Mind

Innovatively Recycle your Mind



I was a bit inspired by the session with my professor about the cell array processor, in which we talked about the data recycle for high performance computing. I kept that keywords in mind from then on to consider the general merit of recycle. Meaning while, I was also puzzled that why things gather (or being clustered) together could make much stronger effect, for instance people hold the discussion together could solve the problems much more effectively. There seems to be some homotopy background between recycle and cluster.

It was the time to pick up some friends yesterday from airport, I drive there through highway, with mind still considering the relationship between recycle and cluster. I was enjoying the spring along the highway, colored flowers plotting in the green of the mountain, with wind blowing under the sky blue. Some time, I wanna a pause to appreciate the some of the fantastic view a little bit longer, while unfortunately I was belonging to the fast stream of the highway, dangerous driving is legally forbidden. Well, I can still enjoy the view on the back trip, but who knows that beautiful sight could ever repeat again.

Say good bey to the landscapes, I rushed into the urban districts, finding that most part of the transporting stream is recycling inside the district so that sustain the prosperity of the urban economics. Wow, I catch up the cool idea to explain the relationship between cluster and recycle. People gather together to reuse all kinds of stuffs from each other, things are recycling inside the cluster, or among clusters, eventually reduce the cost of the whole system.

It seems some concept was missing during this statement, yes, where is the innovation, only repeats would finally turn the group into death like the decayed ecosystem. We need innovation to survive in front of all kinds of challenging.

On the way back with my friends, I was still enjoying the sights, and also keep all kinds of ideas recycling in mind, not repeatably, but innovatively.

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