Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Where the robots have souls

Where the robots have souls




It was always fascinating for me to see how naturally the development of robots progresses in Japan. And like very often in the area of new technologies, it seems that in the field of robotics as well Japan is much more playful and keen to experiment than other countries. I have the impression that unlike in Japan the association with machines in western countries have always been a little grim. For example Goethe wrote his poem “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” during a time when already the first mechanical puppets were serving tea in Japan. And even today, about two hundred years later, it seems that this discrepancy still exists. The voices proclaiming the danger and ethical questions concerning robots in future societies are speaking loudly from my home country. The while I see colored human-like robots dance, play music and doing service in Japan. Here in Aizu-Wakamatsu at a hospital there are robots that welcome the patients and lead them through the building, for example. I guess it is still a long way to go in Germany, that this could be accepted by the general public. For me it is very inspiring to stay in an environment where at the first sight new technologies and a humane life goes hand in hand.


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