Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Double-win in the Dominance over Novel Markets

Double-win in the Dominance over Novel Markets



The IT industry is nowadays full of competition. A successful IT business could hardly sustain without dominating its own market, which is not easy to be taken over by other competitors. While the fierce market competition and the freedom from monopoly makes the dominated market less beneficial; therefore, it is reasonable to take venture of exploring and dominating the novel market.

Double-win in the Dominance over Novel Markets

Here, we introduce the necessary conditions of achieving the dominative market share in Figure above: (1) knowledge, (2) resource, (3) routings, (4) dominance; and also 4 steps (1) perfecting the ideas, (2) establishing the cooperation, (3) undertaking the execution, (4) winning the competition.

Knowledge Accumulation to Perfect the Idea
The discovery of novel market calls for great ideas. The accumulation of knowledge breeds novel ideas, with originality and wisdom. Before the maturation of the rough idea, people should make sure the beneficial interests, such as the value, motivation of this idea; Mean while, it is necessary to consider the cost of realizing the idea, such as payments and risks. After the trade-off of benefits and costs, one can revise the idea into a much more perfect stage. All the work finished in this step is quite brief, which is only stays in the philosophical layer.

Resource Accumulation to Establish the Cooperation
The entry into the novel market that imagined by the idea requires a united support from all kind of necessary resources. The accumulation of resources forms a strong cooperation for taking action. Resource is varied with each other, in terms of finance, labour force, technology, networks, computer, etc. Within the social law restriction, the ownership of the resource permits the utilization of needed resource. Therefore, it is necessary to establish cooperation among the owners. To encourage the resource owners to take venture together, it is necessary to explore the common sense among them, for instance reciprocal interests, complements within the chained value. Mean while, it is also necessary to analyse the respective risks, such as payments, potential competition, and also the feasibility of the execution. After considering the trade-off between the common sense and the respective risks among the owners of the needed resources, it is possible to find out a proper way of cooperation to share the benefits. The final sub-step of to specify the cooperation.

Routing Accumulation to Undertake the Execution
When taking the action of opening the novel market, there are a lot of routings to reach the novel market, in which the cooperating team might face a lot obstacles. The investigation of the obstacles involves related rules, standards, and self-eligibility. When choosing the path to reach the novel market, the optimized solution is necessary, such as methods to overcome the obstacles, time consumption, expense, and also success ratio. After the trade-off between the obstacles and solutions, the execution specification would much more clear and correct.

Dominance Accumulation to Win the Competition
The entry into the novel market does not permits the rewards from the market; it depends on the market size and also the percentage of market share if there are competitors existing. To increase the dominated size of beneficial market, it is necessary to overview the market demands, in terms of quality, speed, consumption, etc. It is necessary make comparison with competitors who dominate several market demands; then challenge to promote the weakness to win the competition.

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