Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Euro-Seminar, Filmparty and PC crash

Euro-Seminar, Filmparty and PC crash




yesterday there was a Euro-Seminar and Movie-Party here in Aizu-Wakamatsu. I got the possibility to go there and had a really nice evening. The Euro-Seminar introduced the meaning of the European Union and the power of the Euro. Lots of Japanese were interested in it and asked a lot of questions.

After the seminar there was a movie party. The food and drinks were typical German, which I enjoyed very much:-) After the dinner, lots of Japanese took pictures of us German. I don’t understand at all. Maybe because we look different???

So, there are only 4 weeks left before I’ll go back to Germany. That’s why I take my chance and fill the diary during this week. The worst thing ever happened yesterday: I crashed my Laptop!!! But with the help of Masahiro-san, I can use it again. Thank you very very much.

That’s all for today, Kathrin

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